If you follow me on Twitter, you may have heard I’m on a quest to get some short literary translations from public domain sources published. Over the past couple of years, I focused on translating pieces by women, feminists, LGBT writers, or otherwise marginalized writers in the course of learning how to translate. Translations which weren’t fit for journals are up on this site, some are already published, and some aren’t online (because they’re copyrighted, etc.). From here on, I don’t plan to translate any more pre-1965 works and will move on to contemporary novel-length works, but I’d like to find homes for 15 leftover pieces in various genres which seem like a good fit for literary journals.

I put together this list of translation-friendly magazines to help me know where to submit and when. It only constitutes a fraction of the journals out there, and I’ll add to it as and when I find new places worth submitting to. Those which are no longer in operation, don’t allow simultaneous submissions, put pieces behind paywalls, or have onerous submission or rights conditions are crossed out.

I encourage anyone beginning in literary translation to submit to places far and wide (so long as you read pieces from each journal first, to gauge their tone). Being able to point to past publishing credits makes it easier to apply for translation jobs, and to approach publishers and authors to ask to translate works. Hopefully this list may be of some use to fellow beginning translators on the submission trail.
